Acepta tarjetas de crédito y débito desde tu celular

1. Baja el app y crea tu cuenta

2. Acepta tarjetas de crédito y débito desde tu celular

No pierdas una venta más

3. Recibe el dinero directamente a tu cuenta

En cualquier banco o cooperativa*

What is PayPocket?

  • PayPocket is a mobile payment solution that allows you to accept credit and debit cards right on your mobile device.
  • It works with your iPhone, iPad, Tablet or Android smartphone.
  • Merchants from US, PR and USVI can use PayPocket anytime and anywhere.
  • Click here for more information.

Start accepting credit and debit cards today!

Complete your information and increase your sales with PayPocket.

How does PayPocket work?

Don't lose any more sales and start accepting credit and debit cards now!

App Store

Anytime and anywhere

Visa-Logo-Image-1 MasterCard_Logo Discover-Network-logo-vector copy

Accept credit and debit cards from your mobile devices



Ask us here

Merchant , remember that PayPocket is a tax certified terminal that meets the specifications set out in Regulation No. 8049. With PayPocket you are ready and meet the Administrative Determination (DA ) 15 to 20 that takes effect after October 30th 2015.

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